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About GNI

Gugah Nurani Indonesia - Good change for the world

Gugah Nurani Indonesia is a partner of Good Neighbors International, an international development NGO of South Korea founded in 1991, with General Consultative Status from the United Nations of Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC).

History and Journey of Gugah Nurani Indonesia


Good Neighbors first came and entered Indonesia as a form of emergency response and recovery intervention for the tsunami disaster in Meulaboh, Aceh. This arrival provides assistance and support both in the form of goods and also psychological support as well as collaborating with various other NGOs to speed up the recovery process. This arrival was the beginning of Good Neighbors' journey in Indonesia and the beginning of plans to establish Good Neighbors Indonesia.


The Good Neighbors Indonesia journey begins:
1. Good Neighbors Indonesia was officially established in Indonesia as part of the Country Good Neighbors Partnership
2. Establishment and inauguration of the Meulaboh Family Development Project which is a shift from the Meulaboh Emergency Response
3. Establishment and inauguration of the Head Office or Head Office of Good Neighbors Indonesia in DKI Jakarta.
4. Establishment and inauguration of the Rawa Badak Selatan CDP in DKI Jakarta, which is the first CDP after the tsunami intervention in Meulaboh, Aceh


After running for 1 year after the inauguration of Good Neighbors Indonesia
1. This year, the CDP (Community Development Project) concept began to be implemented at Good Neighbors Indonesia
2. Establishment and inauguration of other CDPs, namely Medan Belawan CDP in North Sumatra and Menteng Tenggulun CDP in DKI Jakarta
3. Gugah Nurani Indonesia is officially registered as a local foundation based on the Decree of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia
4. First time involved in emergency response (ER) intervention in West Sumatra


Gugah Conscience Indonesia continues to grow and develop, this year:
1. Gugah Conscience Indonesia is again involved in intervention for the emergency response to the eruption of Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta
2. Starting the first project from the Education sector for the School Construction Project funded by KOICA in Kec. Batang Gasan, Kab. Padang Pariaman, West Sumatra.
3. Establishment and inauguration of the next CDPs, namely Padang CDP in West Sumatra, Cakung CDP in DKI Jakarta, Sukabumi CDP in West Java and Bogor Cileuksa CDP in West Java


For 3 years after Gugah Nurani Indonesia was founded in Indonesia, GN Indonesia already has 8 CDPs spread across Indonesia and we continue to grow 1. Establishment and inauguration of the Yogyakarta CDP after the emergency response intervention process for the eruption of Mount Merapi 2. Establishment and inauguration of the Medan Deli Serdang CDP in North Sumatra


Continuing to be committed to fulfilling children's rights in Indonesia, GN Indonesia is growing
1. Establishment and inauguration of Bekasi Pantai Bahagia CDP in West Java
2. Establishment and inauguration of the Surabaya Wonokusumo CDP in East Java
3. Establishment and inauguration of Lombok Mertak CDP in West Nusa Tenggara


After establishing 13 CDPs, GN Indonesia feels that we still have a long way to go, therefore:
1. We established Enrekang CDP in South Sulawesi to ensure our reach becomes wider and more impactful
2. Thanks to our commitment, this year we were awarded third place as Outstanding Social Organization in 2013 in the Administrative City of North Jakarta


After establishing 13 CDPs, GN Indonesia feels that we still have a long way to go, therefore:
1. We established Enrekang CDP in South Sulawesi to ensure our reach becomes wider and more impactful
2. Thanks to our commitment, this year we were awarded third place as Outstanding Social Organization in 2013 in the Administrative City of North Jakarta


Continuing to be committed to fulfilling children's rights in Indonesia, GN Indonesia is growing
1. Establishment and inauguration of the West Manggarai CDP in East Nusa Tenggara
2. Establishment and inauguration of Jeneponto CDP in South Sulawesi


Gugah Conscience Indonesia continues to be committed to increasing its impact on beneficiaries.
1. Merging the Menteng, Rawabadak and Cakung CDPs into the Batavia CDP.


GN Indonesia refers to GN International's CP Policy.


1. Carrying out the Hyundai Motor CSR Project in Bojongmangu, Bekasi with Mobile Library (until mid-2022)
2. During the COVID-19 period, GNI participated in helping the community and government through programs providing hand washing facilities, distance learning, and improving the community's economy.


1. Carrying out the Kyobo Insurance CSR Project in Buton City with the Community Learning Center (1 year project)
2. Carrying out the Hyundai Engineering CSR Project in Balikpapan City with an e-learning classroom (until mid-2024)
3. CDP Surabaya increases intervention at the Surabaya City level through a stunting eradication program.
4. Carrying out an educational assistance project for Rohingya Refugees in collaboration with IOM in Medan City.


1. GNI received an award from the Governor of DKI Jakarta as a Collaborator in Development and Public Services.


With this long journey, Gugah Conscience Indonesia has been present in INDONESIA for 15 YEARS as a form of our commitment to Fulfilling & Protecting Children's Rights in Indonesia. We are moving with 15 Community Development Projects (CDP) & 2 Projects which are continuously running and committed to making an impact good for Indonesia br/> 1. Running the Kyobo CSR Project in Bekasi with Green School (1 year project)
2. Carrying out the KB Bank CSR Project in Bekasi with the Multicultural Library (until 2024)

Company Vision

Gugah Nurani Indonesia Vision

Gugah Nurani Indonesia is a partner of Good Neighbors International, an international development NGO of South Korea founded in 1991, with General Consultative Status from the United Nations of Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC).

Company Mision

Gugah Nurani Indonesia Mision

Gugah Nurani Indonesia exists to make the world a place without hunger, where people live together in harmony.

Gugah Nurani Indonesia respects the human rights of our neighbors suffering from poverty, disasters, oppression, and helps them to achieve self-reliance and enables them to rebuild their hope.

About GNI

Gugah Nurani Indonesia Value

We work in any place where there is a need, regardless of race, religion, ideology, and beyond geographical constraints.

We promote self-reliance and the sustainable development of individuals, families and communities.

We place a top priority on the rights of a child.

We create a sound global citizenship that encourages people to respect one another and live together in harmony.

We mobilize and organize local volunteers to participate in developing their communities.

We work in cooperation with our local partners who share their community development goals.

We maintain professional accountability and transparently report on the status of our projects and finances.

We encourage as many peple as possible to join Good Neighbors as sponsoring members to participate in our work.

About GNI

Gugah Nurani Indonesia - Unique Selling

Gugah Nurani Indonesia brings real change with a community-based approach that focuses on education, health and empowerment. We not only provide assistance, but also inspire independence and sustainability, ensuring that every step we take has a long-term impact on Indonesia's future

Child Rights Protection

We plan and implement projects that respect the human rights of children based on our unchanging belief in human dignity, under the principle of faithfully fulfilling the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).


We stimulate our projects and expand our network by mobilizing the human and material resources of communities in the field, encouraging them to actively engage in our projects as an organized group of volunteers, partners, and community committees.


We conduct advocacy projects, such as campaigns, government policies, and seminars to promote our projects and raise awareness of governments or the general public as part of citizenship education.

Safeguarding policy

Gugah Nurani Indonesia is committed to the welfare and protection of the privacy, security and dignity of children and adults in the program area. We invite all parties, both staff and affiliates, to participate in protecting the children and adults we serve together.

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