From Bulu Cina Village to Hungary: The Inspiring Journey of Yunanda Aditiya, a Sponsored Child of Gugah Nurani Indonesia

Yunanda Aditiya, commonly known as Nanda, is a young man from Bulu Cina Village, Medan. Nanda has been a sponsored child of Gugah Nurani Indonesia (GNI) since the age of 8, during his elementary school years. He now works at an engineering company in Hungary and has had the opportunity to attend the 2024 United Nations Civil Society Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, as a youth delegate for Good Neighbors. Nanda's journey to reach this point has not been easy. Coming from an underprivileged family and being the oldest of six siblings, he had to strive for his education and create opportunities on his own. In this struggle, Gugah Nurani Indonesia is proud to have been a partner and friend, supporting him through the process.

Nanda faced the possibility of being unable to pursue his education due to financial constraints, which led his mother to initially disapprove. Additionally, in Nanda's community, there was a prevalent belief that education was a waste of time and that children should work instead of attending school. Over time, Nanda's mother could only afford to support his education up to junior high school. However, Nanda persistently sought scholarships through high school and eventually graduated from Medan Polytechnic, securing a scholarship offer in Hungary. Supported by university and local government programs, Nanda went to Hungary for an internship program. Yet, due to the need to support his family back home, he had to forgo the scholarship and chose to work instead. Because of his achievements, Medan Polytechnic awarded him a D3 scholarship, and he is currently studying remotely while continuing his work contract in Hungary.

Learn more about Nanda's journey and his speech as a youth delegate for Good Neighbors at the 2024 United Nations Civil Society Conference in Nairobi, Kenya.

“Good morning Distinguished guests,
Habari za asubuhi Kenya, Habari yako? (Good morning Kenya, How are you?)

I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the United Nations Civil Society for affording me the privilege to be part of this remarkable gathering, to the beautiful nation of Kenya, and to Good Neighbors International for their continuous support and  for providing me with invaluable opportunities.
My name is Yunanda Aditiya, i am 22 years old and I am a youth delegate from Indonesia. I grew up in a rural village in Medan, Indonesia. But Now, I have the opportunity to living abroad in Hungary and work for Continental Mako company.
Today, I am excited to be here at this UN offsite event, which focuseson strengthening digital cooperation and harnessing the potential of science, technology, and innovation for the benefit of all humanity. In our increasingly interconnected world, digital technology and innovation profoundly shape every aspect of our lives and societies.

In the modern era, roles such as data analysts, machine learning specialists, big data experts, and IT services are in high demand. Additionally, positions like application developers, operations managers, social media planners, and growth experts are rapidly evolving.
As the demand for digital skills increases, the need for collaboration in the digital space also grows. Today, working together digitally is not just a trend; it is a necessity. Rapid technological advancements connect us, offering new opportunities and challenges that cross boundaries. Collaboration is essential to leverage digital technology for the benefit of everyone.
Moreover, digital cooperation encompasses cybersecurity, data privacy, bridging the digital divide, and promoting digital literacy. By collaborating on these issues, we ensure that the digital revolution includes everyone.
In a world where information flows freely, establishing common standards for responsible digital use is crucial. This involves protecting individual privacy and data security while promoting online transparency and accountability.
Furthermore, global challenges such as climate change, public health crises, and economic inequality require digital cooperation. Through technology, we can design innovative solutions to these issues, creating a sustainable and equitable future.
Technology is rapidly integrating into our daily lives, from entertainment to accessing news. In education, technology plays a vital role, enhancing learning by providing quick access to knowledge, diverse perspectives, and interactive materials.
By leveraging technology, education becomes more accessible, engaging, and tailored to individual needs. Interactive tools like educational apps and virtual reality make learning fun, while personalized experiences cater to each student's pace and learning style. Ultimately, technology democratizes education, enabling lifelong learning and skill development.

Indonesia is at the forefront of innovation, with a dynamic technology ecosystem driving economic growth, promoting social inclusion, and addressing critical issues. 
From the bustling startup scene in Jakarta to groundbreaking research at universities nationwide, Indonesian technology is gaining global recognition. Innovators are developing solutions for sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and enhancing access to healthcare and education through digital platforms.
As Indonesia's technology ecosystem evolves, it is essential for individuals like me to prioritize research and foster an environment that supports innovation. 
Throughout my journey, I have had to prioritize research, support my peers in advancing, and create an environment where innovation can thrive. It is crucial to ensure that the benefits of technology reach all Indonesians, regardless of their background or location.

For example:
I was raised in a less fortunate family, with my father leaving us when I was eight years old, forcing me to become independent at an early age. Growing up with five siblings under the care of my resilient mother, I have a deep love for her—thank you, Mom—for tirelessly fighting for our well-being and rights. 
I witnessed firsthand the lack of value placed on education and technology in my community.
Despite the prevailing attitude favoring work over higher education, I remained steadfast in my belief in the importance of both. Choosing to defy the norm, I pursued studies at Politeknik Negeri Medan, specializing in telecommunications engineering, with a focus on developing digital communication in Indonesia.
Now, with the opportunity to live abroad in Hungary, I aim to support my family financially while furthering my knowledge and skills in technology. 
The use of technology in education varies between Indonesia and Hungary due to differences in infrastructure, resources, and educational priorities.
In Indonesia, progress has been made, but challenges related to infrastructure and access to technology persist in some areas. However, efforts are being made to leverage technology for education, including online learning platforms and mobile applications, especially in remote regions like mine.
In contrast, Hungary generally has more advanced infrastructure and resources to integrate technology into education. Schools often have better access to computers, internet connectivity, and digital learning tools. Hungary also emphasizes digital literacy and computer science education to prepare students for the digital age.

How we know!!
Even though both countries value technology in education, the level of implementation and access to resources may differ due to factors such as economic development and government policies. Nonetheless, both Indonesia and Hungary aim to use technology to enhance learning and prepare students for future challenges.
In conclusion, let us reaffirm our dedication to creating a prosperous and equitable world driven by innovation and guided by collaboration. Together, we can harness the transformative power of technology.
Thank you for your attention. See you again, and stay healthy.

Asante sana (Thank you so much)
Kwaheri (Goodbye)
Terima kasih (Thank you)”

Nanda's story is proof that with hard work, determination, and a strong will, one can overcome any obstacles and achieve success. Nanda has become an inspiration to many, especially children and young people in his village and across Indonesia. He demonstrates that background and economic conditions are not barriers to realizing dreams and achieving life's goals.
Education is a right for every individual and is the key to unlocking better opportunities in the future. Let's continue to support and inspire one another to reach our dreams and achieve success.

Edited by: FD Team

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