From Gugah Nurani Indonesia to United Nation The Story of Yunanda Aditiya's Journey From Childhood to Success, Including his Experience in Kenya

The Life Journey of Yunanda Aditya, Gugah Nurani Indonesia Sponsored Child from Bulu Cina

Hi, my name is Yunanda Aditiya. I am 22 years old and live with an amazing woman, my mother, and my five siblings. My father left us when I was 8 years old, which forced me to become more independent and strong. I was raised in a small village in Indonesia called Bulu Cina, where life is a constant struggle. My family lives in a modest home, and like many of our neighbors and friends, we face challenges with limited resources and opportunities. Despite these difficulties, my spirit has never been extinguished, and my dreams remain boundless.

From a young age, I displayed an insatiable curiosity and a deep love for learning. My mother and siblings, recognizing my potential, began supporting me in any way they could. 
I always worked after school. Playing never crossed my mind; I just wanted to keep learning and save money so I could buy things without asking my mother.

When I was 10 years old and in elementary school, I first met and got to know the staff of Good Neighbors Indonesia, also known as Gugah Nurani Indonesia. They gave me the opportunity to become one of their sponsored children. I gained a lot of lessons and experiences from Good Neighbors, especially from Gugah Nurani Indonesia. Initially, I did not like English, but I started learning with the best teachers provided by Good Neighbors. In addition to English lessons, there were also math lessons, free healthy food and drinks every week. They even provided me with school supplies such as bags, clothes, books, shoes, and more.

I remember when there was an announcement for a study tour to one of the most famous tourist spots in Indonesia, which even foreign tourists visit, Lake Toba. The purpose of Good Neighbors Indonesia organizing the study tour there was to practice conversation skills and build the courage to speak directly with foreign tourists. I was selected to join the tour. It was my first experience speaking directly with foreign tourists and also helped boost my confidence.

In addition to changing from initially disliking English to enjoying it and being able to speak it, other benefits I gained after becoming a sponsored child of Good Neighbors included improved nutrition. Before becoming a sponsored child, I was very thin, but after they provided me with food every week and milk every day, I started to gain weight, and my cognitive abilities improved. Not only did I benefit from good nutrition, but I also became more confident in public speaking. For example, when guests from Korea or staff from Good Neighbors Korea visited, they always trusted me to give the welcome speech.

As I grew, so did my achievements. I excelled in school and won several local science and art competitions. Initially, my mother only wanted me to study until junior high school due to our financial constraints. However, thanks to my dedication and intelligence, I gained the attention of my parents and family. I convinced them that education was not expensive and that there were many scholarships available. I bravely took the entrance exam for one of the best high schools in our area, and I was accepted into SMA Negeri 1 Hamparan Perak, a prestigious high school in the Hamparan Perak subdistrict. This was a turning point in my life.
My acceptance into the school made my mother rethink and become enthusiastic about continuing my education. I was one of the few students selected from thousands of applicants, ranking 5th. I applied with nine of my childhood friends and neighbors, but I was the only one accepted. This made my mother proud and she supported me in continuing my education in high school.

At SMA Negeri 1 Hamparan Perak, I faced new challenges, but my determination never wavered. I worked hard, often studying late into the night, and participated in various extracurricular activities such as scouting, flag-raising troop, arts, and sports. The encouragement from my parents, siblings, and friends always served as a source of motivation. My parents were proud of my achievements and continued to support me from afar.

My hard work paid off when I received a scholarship to study at one of the renowned universities in Medan, Politeknik Negeri Medan, with a major in Telecommunication Engineering and the Department of Electrical Engineering. Driven by a desire to address the environmental issues affecting my home village, I remained actively involved during my college years. I was often invited to perform at major campus events, such as singing and hosting.

Years of dedication and perseverance culminated in an extraordinary achievement. After graduating with good grades, I applied to a European company collaborating with the Indonesian Ministry of Education and was accepted at Continental Mako in Hungary. This opportunity allowed me to live abroad, providing financial support for my family and an incredible experience. Additionally, it enabled me to fulfill my dream of traveling to various countries. So far, I have traveled to 25 countries across Europe, Asia, and Africa, all thanks to my hard work and determination.

From Gugah Nurani Indonesia to United Nation

In my second year living in Hungary, I received an email from Good Neighbors inviting me to attend a United Nations (UN) conference in Kenya. I was both excited and confused. With the support of my mother and family, I accepted the invitation. 
I was invited to speak at a side event of the UN conference on digital cooperation in Kenya. This was an incredible honor, a testament to my hard work and the unwavering support of my parents and friends.

When I landed in Nairobi, I was filled with feelings of excitement and awe. Kenya, with its rich landscapes and vibrant culture, was a place I had always dreamed of visiting. The conference was held in Nairobi, but I took the opportunity to explore the city. Once again, Good Neighbors was the ladder that helped me realize my dreams, allowing me to fly with Qatar Airlines, the airline I had always dreamed of since childhood.

As I walked the streets of Nairobi, I felt a profound sense of gratitude. I reflected on my journey from a small village in Indonesia to the global stage of the UN. This journey was made possible by the kindness and support of good friends and loving parents.

I cried when I set foot at the gates of the UN. Although I was merely a participant in the United Nations conference, my arrival at the UN conference in Nairobi, Kenya, marked a significant milestone in my life. As I stepped into the grand conference center, I was struck by the diversity and vibrancy of the environment. Delegates from all over the world, representing different cultures, languages, and perspectives, gathered to discuss pressing global issues.

The conference center was buzzing with activity. Banners and flags from various countries adorned the hallways, and the air was filled with the sound of lively discussions. I felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness as I prepared myself to meet remarkable individuals. This was a moment for me to gain knowledge, have an extraordinary experience, and contribute to the global dialogue on climate change.

On the second day in Nairobi, Kenya, at one of the best universities in Kenya, Kenyatta University, it was the day for me to deliver my speech. I wore a gray suit as a sign of respect for the formality of the event.

During the conference, I delivered a powerful speech about the importance of global digital collaboration in tackling climate change, sharing insights from my experiences and knowledge, and emphasizing the need for sustainable practices and policies. My speech was met with enthusiastic applause, and many delegates sought me out for further discussion.

As I walked towards the main hall, I saw an impressive lineup of speakers, including professors, Kenyan university students, and some Good Neighbor representatives. The atmosphere was vibrant, filled with urgency and purpose.

When I took the stage, I felt a wave of calm wash over me. I began my speech by greeting in Swahili, the language of Kenya, and continued by sharing my personal journey from a small village in Indonesia to the international stage. I spoke passionately about the environmental challenges faced by my home country and the innovative solutions I had researched. My words were powerful, backed by scientific evidence and heartfelt stories.

“It is time to act now,” I concluded, my voice echoing throughout the hall. “We must work together, crossing national and disciplinary boundaries, to protect our planet for future generations.”

After I finished, the audience gave me a standing ovation. Not just for my words, but for the passion and commitment I displayed. I felt a deep sense of achievement and gratitude. I had made my parents and family proud and contributed to a crucial global conversation.

During my visit, I took the opportunity to explore Nairobi. I visited Nairobi National Park with a friend from Ukraine and one of the Good Neighbor staff, where I marveled at the wildlife roaming against the city skyline. I spent an afternoon there learning about the life of the famous writer "Out of Africa." This experience was both educational and inspiring, deepening my appreciation for Kenya's natural and cultural heritage.

On my last day in Nairobi, before checking out of the hotel and leaving Kenya, I reflected on my journey. Standing by the hotel window, gazing at the beautiful city and the luxurious mall buildings, I felt a profound sense of satisfaction. The support from my parents, friends, and family, the encouragement from my mentors, and my relentless dedication had brought me to this moment.

As I prepared to return to Hungary, I knew that this experience would always be memorable. The connections I had made, the knowledge I had gained, and the memories I had created would fuel my future endeavors. I was more determined than ever to drive positive change and continue my work in the digital field within my community.

Leaving Kenya with a heart full of gratitude and a renewed sense of purpose, ready to inspire and lead in advocating for a sustainable future, I carried not only the memories of Kenya's breathtaking beauty but also a renewed commitment to making a difference. I knew that my success was not just my own, and not just due to my own prayers, but also belonged to everyone who had supported and prayed for me, especially my mother, siblings, and friends. With this thought in mind, I continued my work, inspired to create a better future for both my community and the world. I am deeply grateful to Development GN and Gugah Nurani Indonesia for providing me with such an extraordinary opportunity.
From Gugah Nurani Indonesia to the United Nations.

“Because I always believe that in life, we have beautiful dreams, 
do not be afraid to dream because, 
if you can envision it, you can achieve it. And don't be afraid; just go for it and tackle everything step by step with loving prayers. 
Because you are you. You are your uniqueness and your confidence.”

Written by: Yunanda Aditiya
Edited by: FD Team

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