The "Mbokdaya" Community Business Group Has Been Awarded 2nd Place in the Women's Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Competition of DIY Province

Gugah Nurani Indonesia (GNI), as a local NGO in Indonesia, is committed not only to actively fulfilling the rights of children in Indonesia in the fields of education, health, and creating safe and comfortable environments, but also to assisting communities in our target areas to become self-sufficient and empowered, thereby impacting many people around them.

Through the Yogyakarta CDP (Community Development Project), Gugah Nurani Indonesia facilitates one of the community business groups in Yogyakarta for self-sufficiency that benefits its members and the surrounding community. This group is called the "Mbokdaya" Community Business Group.

In 2024, the Women’s Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Competition of the Special Region of Yogyakarta took place, and during the celebration of Kartini Day in 2024, the winners of this competition were announced. The "Mbokdaya" Community Business Group achieved remarkable success by winning second place in the Women's Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Competition of DIY Province. This achievement is the result of the hard work of the Mbokdaya group, a community business group consisting of women in Pendoworejo Village, proving that women are indeed capable of being empowered and independent, and of making a positive impact on others.

Amid the difficult circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, many residents of Pendoworejo Village lost their jobs, increasing the burden of responsibility on women within families. In response to these challenges, Mbokdaya was born. The members of Mbokdaya not only had to fulfill their traditional roles as household managers but also had to assist their children with remote learning due to the low educational levels of parents and limited access to online learning resources in the village.

However, despite these challenges, Mbokdaya emerged with a strong spirit for change. They were determined to improve their skills in managing businesses, and the results have been truly impressive. Mbokdaya has successfully produced high-quality products such as traditional beverages and foods that have continued to thrive to this day. This is all a testament to the consistency and commitment of all the members and leaders of Mbokdaya, as well as the good and sincere intentions that have driven their efforts.


Mbokdaya’s Products

This remarkable achievement peaked when Mbokdaya secured 2nd place in the DIY Provincial Women's Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Competition. With determination and hard work, they successfully competed with MSMEs in the Kulonprogo area, eventually becoming the district/city representative to compete at the provincial level.

Mrs. Sulistyana, from Mbokdaya, expressed, "We are very grateful for this award. It is proof that when we unite and strive together, there is no obstacle we cannot overcome. We hope this achievement can inspire other women in our village to pursue their dreams and continue to innovate in facing challenges."

The Community Business Group "Mbokdaya" is committed to continue growing and providing positive contributions to the community of Pendoworejo Village and its surroundings.

Edited by: FD Team

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