Who We Are


Gugah Nurani Indonesia

Gugah Nurani Indonesia is a development Non-Government Organization (NGO) that works based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in child rights fulfillment and community development. Gugah Nurani Indonesia is an organization with a legal entity under the Ministry of Justice & Human Rights, with the registration number AHU-594.AH.01.04, dated 24th February 2009.

Gugah Nurani Indonesia was established by Good Neighbors International, an International development and humanitarian NGO from South Korea founded in 1991, with General Consultative Status from the United Nations of Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC).

Good Neighbors International came to Indonesia for the first time during tsunami emergency relief in Meulaboh, Aceh, in 2005. Gugah Nurani Indonesia today has a presence in 15 Community Development Projects (CDP) and 2 Projects in 10 provinces throughout Indonesia.

The Spread of Indonesian Conscience

Number and Distribution of child sponsors

Through extensive collaboration from various parties, we succeeded in expanding the reach of assistance to more children in need, giving them access to education, health and opportunities for a better future

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People have awareness of Children's Rights


People have access to quality Education


People have access to better Health


People have access to clean water and proper sanitation


People practice sustainable resource management


People benefit from emergency response programs


People strengthen their economic capacity


People participate in advocacy activities in fulfilling Children's Rights


Sponsored Children

Our Team

The team that works at Gugah Nurani Indonesia

Gugah Nurani Indonesia Team is a group of individuals dedicated to empowering communities through education, health and welfare. With diverse backgrounds and high enthusiasm, we are committed to creating sustainable positive change for Indonesian society

See Team GNI