
We work with those who are socially and economically marginalized to support them to be better aware of their human rights and to become self-reliant.

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News and Achievements Articles

During its annual journey, Gugah Nurani Indonesia continues to carry out various activities in the Fulfillment and Protection of Children's Rights in Indonesia. You can read about the various activities and events we carry out below:

Success Stories and Other Readings

The activities of Gugah Nurani Indonesia to continue spreading kindness through various collaborations. By moving forward together, achieving the goal of empowerment for the underprivileged and marginalized communities becomes easier.

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Teaser Videos

See more about what Gugah Conscience Indonesia has done so far through our impact videos

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Annual Report Documents

You can also read all of Gugah Nurani Indonesia's annual reports which are committed to carrying out activities and efforts to fulfill children's rights and protect children. Download here

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