
Good Neighbors supports to ensure all children have inclusive and equal opportunities for quality education and dream of a better life.

People Enjoy the Right to Education


Education is not only a human right in itself but an essential right to realize other human rights. In addition, education is an opportunity for individuals to develop their abilities and improve their quality of life, which is the cornerstone of self-empowerment. Gugah Nurani Indonesia will endeavor to ensure that children have access to quality public education regardless of gender and that support adults to enjoy the right to education.

Firstly, children should be able to receive equal education regardless of their gender and their family's economic condition. Gugah Nurani Indonesia will help children who are in difficult situations to access opportunities for education. Gugah Nurani Indonesia will also support parents and others who greatly influence children's educational rights to recognize the importance of children's right to education. In addition, Gugah Nurani Indonesia will make efforts to improve the quality of primary and secondary education to ensure proper education rights. At the same time, Gugah Nurani Indonesia will create an environment where girls can receive education in safe conditions.

Furthermore, Gugah Nurani Indonesia will create opportunities for adults to obtain basic literacy skills such as reading, writing, speaking and listening, and numeracy to improve their social life. Assistance for a lifelong education will also be provided to resolve their issues.

Documentation of Activities